Feeding Frenzy Buff


Feeding frenzy multikill clip last hope. In a nutshell, you collect colored runes and then socket them into the Chalice of Opulence in specific combinations which determine what loot you receive from the chest at the end. The Menagerie(Image credit: Bungie)The Menagerie is a horde mode with a unique currency and reward system. You earn runes by completing the treasure maps sold by Werner in the Tower, or by grinding miscellaneous activities while using the Runefinder consumables Werner also sells.Once you have the runes you want, load the Menagerie on Nessus, clear the random (but fairly self-explanatory) arenas and bosses you're assigned, and open the chest to claim your loot.

So the Feeding Frenzy buff, as of Delirium, will only affect the player. That I get but there is no description on the gem saying what that actual buff is any more.
Honestly, I think most of us used it as intended.. to buff our minions into a feeding frenzy to do more damage. Our minions did our damage for us so that we pretty much didn't have to do much.
Now we have an undefined buff that our minions place on just ourselves that, I get it, causes us to do more damage ourselves but I guess my question is.. how much of a buff is it? Is it the 5-14% buff that our minions used to get to do? Do we get the speed and cast increase as well or no?
I don't mind it being nerfed but I would like to know by how much and wether it is worth using at all now and if it is worth using, is it worth using for an army of minions or better of used with a melee or ranged type adding in a few golems to buff their offense/defense capabilities.
I appreciate any insight. I look forward to delirium. I actually took off two days of work for the first time in years lol. Of course I have to paint a room too hahah.
Last bumped on Mar 13, 2020, 7:34:55 AM
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 5:25:45 PM
It still gives the damage boost to all minions while you have Feeding Frenzy buff. 10% more minion dmg, 15% move, cast & attack speed.
Just that the supported minion doesn't get the added more dmg anymore.
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 5:30:40 PM
try to play zombie without it they are far too painfully passive and stupid and low coverage to deal with, but if you can bear it somehow, put feeding frenzy in a secondary minion since they will still benefit from the buff on you even if a different minion is triggering
it is insane to have to sacrifice a link for decent AI. feeding frenzy should be their default behavior. What FF should do is give them like leap slam or some crap, like how skeles get Dash.
Last edited by Gutterflower on Mar 12, 2020, 6:11:53 PM
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 6:10:13 PM
Try to play any Zombie, Spectre or even Skeleton minion-setup without it as one of the 5 supports and youll see, that the AI is abyssmal without being set to 'aggressive'.
Not a fan of a mandatory support gem being nerfed into oblivion. The buff to proc chance is just a slap to the face ontop, since its worthless.
Also, yea, why not have a tooltip to show newer players what the support gem actually does?
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 6:26:03 PM
Eaven if FF would only let minion be agressive, with no dmg at all, it would still be a viable gem.
Feel lucky you still habe the Attack, and movementspeed.
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 7:32:51 PM
So the Feeding Frenzy buff, as of Delirium, will only affect the player.

The feeding frenzy buff only ever applied to the player.
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 7:34:39 PM
I didn't use it on skellies last league, you recast them often enough and put them where you want them that it wasn't needed.
Zombies on the other hand..
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 7:38:59 PM
I played skels ALOT the last two leagues.
The dash ability that skels get when linked to feeding frenzy is HUGE for clear speed.
Just another nerf to skels/zombies.
(Zombie AI without FF is abysmal)
Spectres tho..it depends on the spectre.
I found slave drivers to do fine without FF.
There are 300+ new spectres, so I am sure there will be some who have default AI's that are agressive and do good dps.
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 8:24:39 PM
It still gives the damage boost to all minions while you have Feeding Frenzy buff. 10% more minion dmg, 15% move, cast & attack speed.
Just that the supported minion doesn't get the added more dmg anymore.
then it is a buff. thought it was a nerf because i thought it only gave it to minions who get the feeding frenzy buff not to all minions who had feeding frenzy?
Hi! i'm high right now and who are you?
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 8:33:50 PM
It still gives the damage boost to all minions while you have Feeding Frenzy buff. 10% more minion dmg, 15% move, cast & attack speed.
Just that the supported minion doesn't get the added more dmg anymore.
then it is a buff. thought it was a nerf because i thought it only gave it to minions who get the feeding frenzy buff not to all minions who had feeding frenzy?

The gem used to give supported minions a 'more' damage multiplier and the chance for them to give you the 'Feeding Frenzy' buff on hit.
While you have that buff, all of your minions deal 10% more damage and have 15% increased over all speed.
As of 3.10 the gem will no longer give the supported minions a more damage multiplier.
You still get the FF buff, the buff still works the same and the minimum aggro range is still set to 70.
Got it?
Posted by
on Mar 12, 2020, 8:49:12 PM

NC Legal Feeding Frenzy is an annual joint program of the NCBA Young Lawyers Division and Feeding the Carolinas food banks. It aims to fight hunger across North Carolina by uniting the legal community in support of local food banks. Over half of all soup kitchens, food pantries and other meal programs rely entirely on volunteers. Feb 21, 2020  Steelfeather Repeater (Subsistence/Swashbucker, Feeding Frenzy/Multikill Clip) With all auto rifles, including the rapid fire Steelfeather, getting a buff, you might want to pick up a copy or two.

Feeding Frenzy Download

Grants a buff that increases movement speed for a duration. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Frenzy Charge. Per 1% Quality: 0.25% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit Deals (142.2-168)% of Base Attack Damage 10% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge 15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit Buff grants 20% increased Movement Speed. Feeding frenzy 3 pc full version free. The gem used to give supported minions a 'more' damage multiplier and the chance for them to give you the 'Feeding Frenzy' buff on hit. While you have that buff, all of your minions deal 10% more damage and have 15% increased over all speed. Jul 15, 2019  Tank Abilities (Feeding Frenzy / Radiant Biomass) When the boss attacks the same target, it stacks Feeding Frenzy on itself, increasing its attack speed by 8% for each consecutive attack. As soon as the boss attacks a different target, the buff is reset. Feeding Frenzy world quest is located in Vol'dun Bonetrail Gulch on Kul Tiras isle at 36.82 37.79. To complete the quest you have to feed King Rakataka to death. He's walking around the area. You can do it by picking up Gulch Beetle from the ground and throwing them at King Rakataka using the action button Feed Rakataka.