Feeding Frenzy Ap Gov

Feeding Frenzy Ap Gov


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Printer Friendly. AP Government Chapter 2 Notes: Federalism AP Government Chapter 2 Notes: Federalism 2.4 Federalism in the Information Age Learning Objectives What are the strengths and weaknesses of the media in covering federalism? Key Terms and Definitions Feeding Frenzy: Often excessive coverage by the media of every aspect of. (AP) — New York’s governor plans to propose to President Donald Trump that the state could share some driving records with federal immigration agencies if the administration reverses its move to block state residents from Global Entry and other programs that allow travelers to avoid long border security lines. Ontario lottery for cannabis retail stores to trigger ‘feeding frenzy’. The On­tario gov­ern­ment is fac­ing fresh crit­i­cism over its cannabis re­tail roll­out after a sec­ond lot­tery to award store li­cences led to clus­ters of win­ners in small ar­eas and shut out es­tab­lished re­tail­ers. Some ap­pli­cants.

Start studying AP Gov and Politics: Feeding Frenzy. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. AP Gov’t CONSTITUTIONAL UNDERPINNINGS Unit I (Underlined terms have appeared on the multiple choice sections of past released AP exams) Bicameral legislature: two-house legislature. Block grant: money granted by the federal government to the states for a broad purpose.

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Amicus Curiae brief
'friend of the court' brief filed by an interest group to influence a Supreme Court Decision
Dealignment argument
contention that parties are less meaningful to voters, who have abandoned the parties in greater numbers to become independants
Divided Government
government in which one party controls the presidency while another party controls the congress
Elite Theory
theory that upper class elites excercise great influence over public policy
term used by Madison to denote what we now call interest groups
Fairness Doctrine
FCC Rule (No longer in use) that required broadcasters to air a variety of viewpoints on their programs
Feeding Frenzy
just as sharks engage in a feeding frenzy when they sense blood in the water, the media 'attack' when they sense wrong doing or scandal in government, and devote great amounts of coverage to such stories
Free rider problem
the problem faced by interest groups when citizens can reap the benefits of interest group action without actually joining, participating in, or contributing money to such groups
Horse Race Coverage
the tendency of the media to report on an election campaign as if it were a horse race, i.e., who is ahead, who is behind, who is gaining ground
Iron Triangle
an informal association of federal agency, congressional committee, and interest grooup that is said to have heavy influence over policy making
the act of processing or carrying out a lawsuit
attempting to influence policy makers
Nonpartisan Elections
elections in which candidates are not identified by party membership on the ballot
Office column ballot
ballot in which candidates are arranged by office rather that party. Encourages split ticket voting.
Party Column Ballot
ballot in which candidates are arranged by party rather than office. Encourages straight ticket voting.
Photo Opportunity
a staged event that attracts favorable visual media coverage, e.e., a candidate reading to a group of school children
theory that policy making is the result of an interest group competition
an interest group that raises funds and donates to election campaigns
appointing loyal party members to government positions
Revolving door
the cycle in which a person alternately works for the public sector and private sector, thus blurring the individual's sense of loyalty
selective perception
the practice of perceiving media messages the way one wants too
selective exposure
the practice of selectively choosing media sources which are in harmony with one's own beliefs
sound bite
a short, pithy comment that is likely to attract media attention, e.g., Ronald Reagan saying, 'A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose your job, and recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his job.'
spin control
placing a certain slant on a story to deflect negative public attention against a candidate or office holder
Unit Rule
an abandoned rule of the Democratic Party national convention in which the candidate with the most delegates from a state won all of that state's convention votes
Updated 3:32 PM EST Dec 14, 2019

Another one falls. This time, it’s Arizona Rep. Trent Franks.

The longtime congressman on Thursday abruptly resigned, saying he asked two former staffers if they would act as surrogate mothers and now faces a House ethics investigation.

'I deeply regret that my discussion of this option and process in the workplace caused distress,' he wrote.

Ya think? It's one thing to ask an aide to get you coffee. It's quite another ask her to carry your baby. High creep factor here.

READ: Franks' full resignation letter

MONTINI: Trent Franks' lame excuse for resigning

Franks says he's 'never physically intimidated, coerced, or had, or attempted to have, any sexual contact with any member of my congressional staff.'

Curious that he didn't extend that denial to all women, just those on his staff.

Franks tells us he's a victim

But he's resigning just the same. Because he's a victim, you see.

'In the midst of this current cultural and media climate, I am deeply convinced I would be unable to complete a fair House Ethics investigation before distorted and sensationalized versions of this story would put me, my family, my staff, and my noble colleagues in the House of Representatives through hyperbolized public excoriation,' he wrote.

“Rather than allow a sensationalized trial by media damage those things I love most, this morning I notified House leadership that I will be leaving Congress …”

Ap Government Orders

In other words, there's more to this than meets the press release.

I’m guessing a lot more.

EDITORIAL: Franks and Franken paid the price. When will Trump?

Ap Gov Test

House Speaker Paul Ryan said there are 'credible claims of misconduct' by Franks and told him he should resign. It doesn’t seem likely that Ryan would be on a witch hunt to get one of his own.

'The speaker takes seriously his obligation to ensure a safe workplace in the House,' a statement from his office said.

I’d say I’m shocked, but really, I’m not. Rumors have swirled for years about Franks’ extracurricular activities.

His 2012 Senate bid ended abruptly

Franks was all set to run for the U.S. Senate in 2012 until suddenly, he wasn’t. Multiple people have told me that his after-hours activities caught up to him.

“I know there was a file,' one Reublican consultant told me. 'The information was there to be had, and it was shared with him, so he walked away from the race.'

Another told me that Franks wrote creepy text messages a decade ago to a Republican operative – texts that never came to light.

Whatever the reason, Franks' 2012 Senate campaign abruptly ended before it began.

Now comes the #metoo movement and the demise of yet another political career. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., -- he of the missing pants -- and Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn. -- he of the wandering hands -- have already been swept away in the ongoing purge.

And now, Franks, a Republican religious conservative who instead of staying put and defending his integrity has apparently decided to beat feet before a tidal wave comes crashing down on his head.

More to come? I would guess so.

Cue the feeding frenzy for Franks' seat

Meanwhile, there will be a feeding frenzy in his deep-red northwest Valley district. Early names of those who might seek Franks’ seat:

State Sen. Steve Montenegro, R-Litchfield Park, though he's already running for secretary of state.

Former Corporation Commission Bob Stump.

State Sen. Debbie Lesko, R-Peoria, who is active in the ALEC and the author of Arizona’s now-on-hold universal voucher law.

Peoria Mayor Cathy Carlat, who is well regarded in her city.

Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman, who has good name identification given his family name and the fact that he represents the west side district.

State Sen. Kimberly Yee, R-Phoenix, though she's already announced she's running for state treasurer.

Your only weapon is your stomach and the sky's the limit as to what you can eat. Feeding frenzy game online.

Former Gov. Jan Brewer? Doesn't seem likely, but whoever gets her endorsement will be golden.


Al Franken is out, but Roy Moore remains a GOP rock star Feeding frenzy game unblocked.

Raul Grijalva (read: you) paid $48k to silence a staffer's complaint

Trump's Moore endorsement takes us further down the rabbit hole

Updated 3:32 PM EST Dec 14, 2019