A Feeding Frenzy Idiom Meaning In Hindi


Download feeding frenzy 2 full version free. Frenzy definition, extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement. Feeding frenzy. The term feeding frenzy is an idiom, and like most idioms, it was first used in a literal sense. An idiom is a word, group of words or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is not easily deduced from its literal definition. Common idioms are words and phrases used in the English language in order to convey a concise idea. Aug 11, 2009  Definition of feeding frenzy. Feeding frenzy. When people go after something aggressively (e.g. Items given away freely) like fish at feeding time. Feeding Frenzy: Derived from sharks feeding behavior, now extended to describing human eating habits, or stock market actions. The minute the hors d'oeuvres were served, there was a feeding frenzy. Fey (person): Scottish expression, either positive or negative in context, meaning mystic person.

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feeding frenzy

1. A group attack on prey by predatory animals. All the children enjoy going to the aquarium to watch the feeding frenzy that occurs when the sharks are given food by the staff.
2. An intense competition by a group of people striving to get the same thing. The media feeding frenzy that occurred when the actress slipped and fell on the red carpet was an embarrassment for journalists everywhere.

feeding frenzy

1.Lit. [of sharks] a vicious, competitive feeding attack on prey animals. One of the sharks was fatally bitten during a feeding frenzy amongst his own kind.
2.Fig. a vicious attack on someone or something. It wasn't an office argument, it was a feeding frenzy led by the head accountant!

a feeding frenzy

COMMON A feeding frenzy is a situation in which a lot of people become very excited about an event and try to get as much information about it or get as much advantage from it as they can, often in an unpleasant way. What the couple hadn't expected in their relationship was the feeding frenzy of publicity that has followed their every move.The discovery caused a feeding frenzy among biologists, whose eyes lit up with visions of the Nobel Prizes to be had for claiming and naming new species. Note: This expression was first used to describe the behaviour of groups of sharks when there is blood in the water but not enough food for them all. In this situation the sharks will attack anything that they see, even each other.

Idiom Synonym

feeding frenzy

an episode of frantic competition or rivalry for something.
The term originally denoted literally an aggressive and competitive group attack on prey by a number of sharks or piranhas.
2000Larry King Live (CNN) Haven't we learned today the way this story has unfolded…to guess that this was yet another successful Republican attempt to manipulate the political process and generate a media feeding frenzy which the media has again fallen for?

a ˈfeeding frenzy

A Feeding Frenzy Idiom Meaning In Hindi Download

(especially American English) a period of time during which somebody/something eats, spends, etc. a lot in a way that does not seem to be controlled:

A Feeding Frenzy Idiom Meaning In Hindi Language

The news about their marriage started a media feeding frenzy, with all the newspapers trying to get photos and interviews.
A feeding frenzy is an occasion when a group of sharks or other fish attack and eat something.

feeding frenzy

Excited activity, usually around some focal point. The term alludes to the intense, excited feeding by sharks and other predators attracted to prey. Its figurative use dates from the late 1900s. It often has been used for the flocking of media around an event of great interest to the public, such as a notorious murder trial.

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feeding frenzyunknown
In its original form recorded in the early 1960s, it refers to the voracious feeding habits of sharks. From the late 1970s onward it came into use in its more general sense which means furious commercial competition.
by papermachete November 03, 2005
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Feeding Frenzydrugs
Usually the curse that follows after a group of friends have had a session of blazing and hit an all time high of munching, thus it turns into an orgy of eating.
'Dude, a few friends and I were blazing one night and once we all had the munchies, we shot through to Mcd's and had a feeding frenzy!!'

Idiom Meaning And Example

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Feeding Frenzyunknown
Any gathering of 3 or more feedbags in one area at the same time.
At lunch today, there was a feeding frenzy going on in the cafeteria.
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feeding frenzyunknown
A feeding frenzy idiom meaning in hindi download
a scene of frantic competition or unrestrainedgreed (from a a situation where several sharks or other predatory fish attempt to catch a single prey animal at once)
The made in America comeback could eventually fuel a feeding frenzy among businesses looking to corner the market.
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